Church usage for individual baptism, parishioner or non-parishioner: $100
Baptisms: $50
Grace Hall rental for non-sacramental celebration: $400 for up to 4 hours
Grace Hall security deposit on all events: $100
Suggested priest stipend for private Masses (non-funeral memorial Masses, presentations, special intentions) $100 made out to the Schoenstatt Fathers
Sacramental celebration - Post-sacramental reception regarding baptism, 1st Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Funeral. Does not include Quince celebrations, presentations, baby showers, pre-wedding parties.
Parishioner - Children and grandchildren of parishioners can be considered parishioners. There are two ways of being considered a parishioner. 1. Anyone who has registered as a parishioner
Grace Hall scheduling - 9-1pm, 1-5pm, 5-9pm. 125 people capacity. Maximum of 1 year in advance. 14x 70” round tables, 10 rectangular tables.