Building Project Prayer: Most gracious and loving God, we pray for your favor, strength and wisdom at this point in time. Let us undertake with your grace the challenges of building the community of St. Paul and the building of a new Sanctuary on our property. Kindly grant us the best solutions for our needs and may our efforts, gifts, talents and sacrifices be pleasing to you. Amen.
Update March, 2020: We are pleased to inform you that we are moving forward with the concept of developing the permanent sanctuary on the St Paul property. The existing temporary all-purpose building has served us well these past 30 years. We are hopeful funds will be available after the Church is built, that we will be able to upgrade the all-purpose building to provide for more Parish activities and Parish growth by among other items- adding classrooms and upgrading the kitchen.
We are fortunate to have the Diocese’s full support and encouragement. The Diocese is well aware of the growth of South Austin as well as the difficulty in obtaining alternative 25 acres of land in the parish footprint.
Update on the last 6 months of activity.
September 2019
Met with the Diocese.
Obtained Diocese approval to move forward.
Obtained a Diocese $20k grant to hire an architect and explore options (where we could build/what could be built/assess high level challenges with our property (trees/water/parking etc.)
October 2019 Held the first Building meeting (BM) - all parishioners were invited- 21 parishioners and the Diocese attended.
High level direction and alignment obtained. Hired an Architectand Civil Engineer approved by the Diocese
November 2019 Coordinated with the Diocese several churches to visit- Churches that had built (Parish hall or church) in last 5 years
December 2019
6 parishioners and Father Johnson visited Catholic buildings recently built. Met with the Pastor and Business Administrator of:
St Elizabeth of Hungary- Pflugerville
St Albert The Great Austin
St John The Evangelist San Marcos
St Martin De Porres Dripping Springs
St Stephen Churches Salado
St. Catherine Austin
Key learning’s:
Building Structures
Austin building permitting process
Committees and roles
Parish employees roles in the building process
Sound Systems
Useable Space
Time lines
Items they would have done differently
January 2020 The architect building options were reviewed with the Church visit traveling team.
After much discussion- It was agreed that the most effective and economical route would be to
build a Sanctuary on the NE section of the property- with easy access to our current multi-purpose facility. Visited Saint Michael -Uhland
February -2020 Held the second BM included the Pastoral Council and Finance Committee. Updated the team on progress to date
Established a communication plan with parish (Bulletin, Pulpit talks, Web Site and Town Hall)
Developed a time line (see below)
Obtained Diocese guidance to proceed with an 10,000 square foot church to seat 600 people
In the next 6 months we expect to:
File with City of Austin Development a site plan
Begin the Building Development team process
Hire the Architect for the Sanctuary
Perform a parish wide survey
Conduct a Town for all parishioners to view drafts and provide feedback
Committees There will be three committees of 5-8 people formed over the next 18 months:
Building Development - This will include research, and decision making on the proposed Church Structure, Issue resolutions with Trees, Water, and Parking. Committee members are asked to make 1 year commitment. Committee will meet weekly – expected involvement is approx. 10 hours a week. 5-8 people to begin April 2020
Interior Building – Determine what and from whom we purchase the sanctuaries interior items – altar, Ambo, Flooring. Windows, pews/seats, lighting, colors, paint etc. 5-8 people to begin April 2021
Fund Raising- Coordinate and execute the campaign. 5-8 people to begin May 2021
In January of 2022 we will have one or two construction project managers to review the daily build process and execute any change orders.
High Level Time Line Start- Completion
4/20 Diocese approval of move forward plan
6/20 Parish survey
Town Hall with all parishioners on proposed structure- schematic designs- Obtain parishioners thoughts and suggestions. 5/20- 4/21 Drawings completed /permits filed
6/21- 11/21 Capital Campaign
11/22 City permits approved
1/23 Ground Breaking
4/24 First Service
It is an exciting time at St. Paul. With faith, prayer and God’s will a Sanctuary for generations to come is a possibility.
Should you have any questions please call Tom 512-845-7537 or Joe at 512-965-3062.
Please prayerfully consider how you may use your God given gifts towards growing God’s community at Saint Paul’s.
We are currently looking for Parishioners to join the Building Development Committee. Please contact the office or Tom or Joe. Please pray our Prayer for the Building Project (found in bulletin and web site)